Shapovalova I.B. Dynamics Of Ornithocomplexes Of The Forest And Forest-Steppe Zones Of The Ivanovo And Tula Regions When Changing Background Climate And Water Content Of Rivers In Conditions Of Anthropogenic Impact // Ecosystems: Ecology and Dynamics. No. 4. 2022. P. 50-70. | Abstract | PDF | Reference |
In this article we present the results of monitoring of ornithocomplexes of floodplain ecosystems of the basins of small rivers of Tula and Ivanovo regions on the example of the rivers Ptan and Vyazma for the period 2019-2022. There is given a characteristic of the composition and structure of the floodplain ornithocomplexes of small rivers of the zone of mixed forests and forest-steppe zone. The analysis of seasonal and multi-annual dynamics of the floodplain ornithocomplex is according to the main transformation indicators (species diversity and abundance). The previously developed methodology for assessing the transformation of coastal ornithocomplexes of regulated sections of small rivers located in intrazonal conditions has been tested. The relationship between the species composition and abundance of coastal ornithocomplexes has been established.
Keywords: Russia, Ivanovo Region, Tula region, monitoring, dynamics, assessment, impact factor, zone of mixed and broad-leaved forests, forest-steppe zone, floodplain ecosystems, river floodplain, intrazonal landscape, aridization, hydrological regime, climate, precipitation, humidity, species composition, number, population density, abundance, ornithocomplexes, population, rare species, Red Book, swamp-near-water complex.
Acknowledgements. The author would like to thank the chief editor and reviewers of the “Ecosystems: Ecology and Dynamics” for their assistance with this publication. The author also expresses a special gratitude to Zh.V. Kuzmina and E.I. Tobolova.
Funding. The work was carried out for the Water Problems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences as part of the research work for 2022-2024 “Study of Geoecological Processes in Hydrological Systems of Land, Formation of the Quality of Surface and Ground Waters, Problems of Water Resources Management and Water Use under Conditions of Climate Change and Anthropogenic Impact”, No. FMWZ-2022-0002, State Registration No. AAAA-A18-118022090104-8.
DOI: 10.24412/2542-2006-2022-4-50–70