Every submitted article is reviewed (Reviewing Form).

The reviewing is made by the members of the editorial board; the external reviewers are assigned by the editor-in-chief or the members of the editorial board, responsible for the subject of the certain article, which is individual for every manuscript. When selecting a reviewer, their publications, made over the past 3 years on the subject of the reviewed work, are taken into account. The external reviewing involves experts with a recognized authority, working in the field to which the content of the manuscript belongs. The author or the coauthor of the article, a research advisor of applicants for scientific degree or the staff of the department in which the author works cannot be the reviewers.

The reviewing is performed on a voluntary basis, free of charge. Reviewers are notified that the manuscripts sent to them are the intellectual property of the authors and are the information that cannot be disclosed. Reviewers are not allowed to copy the manuscripts for their own use or transfer them to third parties entirely or fractionally.

The reviewing process is confidential. The author receives unsigned reviews with the name, position and place of work of the reviewer indicated. The editorial board do not provide information regarding the manuscript (including information about its receipt, content, review process, reviewers’ criticism and their final decision) to anyone except the authors and reviewers themselves.

Deadlines for Reviewing

The deadlines for reviewing in each case are determined by the executive secretary, taking into account the creation of conditions for the fastest publication of the article, but do not exceed 2 months.

Content of Review

The review should contain a qualified analysis of the article, its objective assessment (highlighting its relevance, scientific novelty and practical significance).

The review is made in a standard form, proposed by the editorial board, or in a free form, with the following things mentioned:

  • the relevance of the topic and the validity of the problem;
  • scientific novelty level, theoretical and practical significance of the work;
  • evaluation of the main results;
  • consistency of the results with the goals and objectives of the study;
  • quality of literary sources (list of references);
  • the structure of the article material;
  • quality of the article: its style, terminology, wording, tables, diagrams, drawings etc.

If the manuscript does not comply with one or more criteria, the reviewer indicates the need to finalize the article and gives the author recommendations for its improving (indicating the inaccuracies, errors etc.). The comments and suggestions of the reviewer should be objective and principled, aimed at improving the scientific and methodological levels of the manuscript. The review is always signed by the reviewer.

The editorial board sends the author the results of the review. The article sent for revision should be corrected as soon as possible in two months starting from the date when the author received the review, and accompanied by a letter answering all the comments the reviewer made and explaining the changes. Then the article is redirected to the same reviewer.

The editorial board has its right to reject articles in the event of the inability or unwillingness of the author to take into account the wishes of the reviewer, as well as in case of violation of the deadlines.

In the case of negative assessment of the manuscript (recommendation of the publication inexpediency), the reviewer must substantiate their decision. An article not recommended for publication is not accepted for reconsideration.

A positive review is not a sufficient reason for publishing.

The final list of articles for publishing in the current issue is determined by the editor-in-chief, after which the secretary informs the author and specifies the publication dates.

The originals of the reviews are kept in the editorial and publishing department for 5 years from the date of publication and can be sent to the author or to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (as a copy) upon the author’s request.