The journal “Ecosystems: Ecology and Dynamics” is an international science peer-reviewed periodical electronic media. It is publishing in Russia; the articles are presented in Russian or English language.
The Journal’s subject includes problems of ecology and ecosystems dynamic. It highlights the fundamental works and the results of the applied researches of processes, regularities and ecosystems dynamics in the natural and anthropogenically created and/or affected ecosystems of any range (size), and furthermore in any individual components (un/alive) of ecosystems around the world (in every natural zone, landscape, overland and in water).
The Journal presents surveys, original research articles, theoretical and methodical works, short reports and methodical materials.
Registration Information
The Journal is founded and published as an online mass media by the Water Problems Institute of the Russian Academy of Science. It is registered in the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications.
Registration certificate: ЭЛ № ФС 77-68782 from 17.02.2017
The founder’s address: the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science, Water Problems Institute of RAS (Russia, 119333, Moscow, Gubkina Str., 3).
Languages: Russian, English.
Periodicity: 4 issues per year.
The Journal provides free and constant full-text access to all of the published materials. Readers can use materials unrestrictedly, but the credits must be given.