If any of the following elements is absent, or if the guidelines are not followed, the article will not be sent to the reviewers and can be rejected without any consideration.
All materials should be sent to dynamics-journal@yandex.ru with the subject such as “Publication for Ecosystems: Ecology and Dynamics”. If the mail is not answered in a week, the author can send another mail or call +7 (499) 135-70-41.
The author should also send a Copyright Agreement, signed by every co-author.
The following elements are required for every article; they are numbered according to their position in the article.
- Title should be very specific, informative and represent the subject of the article.
- List of the authors and co-authors (e.g. A.I. Brown).
- Places of work for every author: name of the organization (no abbreviations), mailing address (country, zip-code, city, district, street and house number). To indicate where each author works the author’s name and the place should have similar number of * next to them.
- E-mail of every author. If the article has only one author, it is better (if possible) to give more e-mails of different domains in case of mail services failure.
- Abstract should be of average size, informative, naming the methods of work and its main results, without any abbreviations and references. It should be stated clearly what subjects are discussed in the article, what results are made and what is the novelty of that exact article.
- Keywords should have about 6 words or short phrases, indicating the subject.
- Article (the main text) should not exceed 60 A4 pages (including the references list) with the following sections:
- Introduction, revealing the problem and the aims;
- Materials and Methods;
- Results and Discussion;
- Conclusion.
- Pictures, graphs, tables (if needed) in the text;
- Literature references, but no more than 30 references;
In the main text the author should:
- Follow the uniformity of terms, signs, system of measures and nomenclature;
- Decrypt any abbreviation after its first mention and avoid usage of non-official original abbreviations;
- Avoid long rows of nouns following each other, because such sentences are hard to read.
The journal seeks to publish high-quality works; therefore, reviewers note if the manuscript has modern (not older than 10 years) literature references, including those written in foreign languages, and the usage of modern statistics.
— А4 for pages (170 х 245 mm);
— 2 cm for every page margins;
— 0.7 cm for the first line indent; 0.7 cm for the first line protrusion for the references list;
— Times New Roman for the entire article (including pictures, graphs and tables):
- 12 size for the main text and subtitles;
- 14 size in capital letters for the title;
- 11 size for Abstract and footnotes;
- 12 size or less for the words and numbers on the pictures;
- Single line spacing;
— line break, double and more spacing and widows lines are not allowed;
— pagination in the upper right corner;
— upper page header;
— literature references inside the text should be given as the example shows: (Brown, 2005); if the reference has two author, both should be indicated; if there are more than two authors, only the first one should be given followed by “et al.”; if there are more than one reference, the semicolon should be put between them;
— pictures, graphs and tables references: (table 3), (fig. 4), (photo 5);
— use dots in decimal fractions;
— it is strongly recommended to use physical units, decimal prefixes and their abbreviations in accordance with the standard Physical Quantity Measurement Unit, which is based on the International System of Units;
— acknowledgements with indication of supporting grant should be given at the beginning of the paper as footnote attached to the last word of the paper title1. Thus, the text of the acknowledgement footnote should be in the running title under the paper text on the first page;
— literature references list should be given alphabetically, without numbering, the works of the same author to be arranged in chronological order, beginning from the newest to the oldest:
- For books: Name of the authors. Year of the issue. Title of the article or monograph. Place of publication: publisher name. Total number of pages (e.g. 265 p.);
- For books with editors: Title of the article or monograph. Year of the issue / Names of editors. Place of publication: publisher name. Total number of pages;
- For journal articles: Authors. Year. Title of article // Journal title. Vol. (volume). No. (number). Pages;
- For web resources: Name of the source. Year of publication. Place of publication: publisher name. [Web resource link (date on which the resource was used)].
— table title should be given before the table, notes to the tables should be given after the table; pictures, graphs, photos titles should be given under them; if there are several pictures or tables, all of them should be numbered;
— all the notes to the pictures and photos should be given only under them in the text form, it is better to avoid any notes and legends written inside the pictures;
— maps should have geographical basis, the scale should be given;
— every graphic file should be sent separately as .jpg or .bmp image, no less than 200 х 100 mm; graphs, diagrams and histograms should be sent in Excel;
— for the big and long mathematical formulas MS Equation should be used; every formula should be numbered as (1), (2) etc. on the right side of the line, if there are references to them in the text. The explanation of the formula should be given right under the formula; spacing is not allowed for the symbols in formulas;
— if the Latin names for species are used, there should be a reference in the footnote to the source of those names.