Shcherbakov A.V., Koltsov D.B., Komarova A.D. Flora of the Bolsheselsky and Borisoglebsky Districts of the Yaroslavl Region // Ecosystems: ecology and dynamics. No 4. 2024. P. 4-77. | Abstract | PDF | Reference
- Wood anemone (Anemone nemorosa; Photo by D.B.Koltsov)
- Golden chamomile (Anthemis tinctoria; Photo by D.B.Koltsov)
- Few-flowered sedge (Carex pauciflora; Photo by D.B.Koltsov)
- Cyperus-like sedge (Carex pseudocyperus; Photo by D.B.Koltsov)
- Wig knapweed (Centaurea phrygia; Photo by D.B.Koltsov)
- Common spotted orchid (Dactylorhiza fuchsii; Photo by D.B.Koltsov)
- English sundew (Drosera anglica; Photo by D.B.Koltsov)
- Marsh helleborine (Epipactis palustris; Photo by D.B.Koltsov)
- Liverleaf (Hepatica nobilis; Photo by D.B.Koltsov)
- Black henbane (Hyoscyamus niger; Photo by D.B.Koltsov)
- White beak-sedge (Rhynchospora alba; Photo by D.B.Koltsov)
- Goldmoss stonecrop (Sedum acre; Photo by D.B.Koltsov)
- A.V.Shcherbakov near the bridge over the Moloksha River (Photo by D.B.Koltsov)
- A.V.Shcherbakov in the field (Photo by D.B.Koltsov)
- A.V.Shcherbakov driving (Photo by D.B.Koltsov)
As of now, there is no an up-to-date list of flora for the Yaroslavl Region. In this regard, we decided to compile a “List of Vascular Plants of the Yaroslavl Region”, detalizing it down to the administrative districts. After a thorough study of herbarium collections and literary sources, we realized that there is very little specific floristic information on some districts, and therefore those districts require additional study. Among them, we picked Bolsheselsky and Borisoglebsky.
Currenly, we have identified 669 taxa of vascular plants in these districts, of which 546 are native and 123 are adventive. The flora of Bolsheselsky District has 586 taxa identified (493 native, 93 adventive), while the flora of Borisoglebsky District has 536 taxa (447 native, 89 adventive). Thus, we consider the level of flora identification in these districts satisfactory.
Two species from the federal Red Data Book were found in Bolsheselsky District: Dactylorhiza baltica and D. traunsteineri. Both species were discovered in a bog near Lake Bogoyavlensky. Additionally, D. baltica was discovered in a humid meadow near the village of Bolshoye Muravyovo.
The main basis for analysis of the protected plant species was the Red Data Book of the Yaroslavl Region (2015), its main list containing 175 species of vascular plants, and another 31 species included in the monitoring list. At different times, 42 species from the main list (31 in Bolsheselsky, 22 in Borisoglebsky) and 22 species from the monitoring list (19 and 16, respectively) were recorded in the studied districts.
Keywords: Yaroslavl Region, Bolsheselsky District, Borisoglebsky District, flora, list of vascular plants, Herbarium of P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University.
Fudning. This work was carried out as part of the research and development state program No. 121032500084-6 “Analysis of Structural and Chorological Diversity of Higher Plants in Relation to Problems of Their Phylogeny, Taxonomy and Sustainable Development”.
DOI: 10.24412/2542-2006-2024-4-4-77