Petukhov I.A., Andreev A.V., Khadbaatar S., Danzhalova E.V., Bazha S.N. Current State of Natural Ecosystems of Hydrogenic Territories of Southeastern Mongolia on the Example of Key Sites // Ecosystems: ecology and dynamics. No 1. 2024. P. 5-50. | Abstract | PDF | Reference
- Swans and ducks at Lake Ganga (“Ganga” key plot)
- Demoiselle cranes (“Ganga” key plot)
- Swampy meadows of the lake shoals (“Ganga” key plot)
- Coastal cryogenic-vegetative tussock bog (“Dar Ganga” key plot)
- Reed beds (“Dar Ganga” key plot)
- Shallows of Dagshin-Bulag Brook near its channel (“Darganga” key plot)
- One of the functional springs (“Burt” key plot)
- Flooded meadows (“Burt” key plot)
- Cattle at the Ongon-Tavan-bulag pastures (“Burt” key plot)
- Valley of the Bayan-Gol River (“Bayangol” key plot)
- Mudcrack (“Burdenebulag” key plot)
- Horses in the pasture (“Burdenebulag” key plot)
In 2023, in southeastern Mongolia, natural terrestrial ecosystems of hydrogene depressions of 5 model sites and their land cover were surveyed as part of the scientific program of the Joint Russian-Mongolian Integrated Biological Expedition of the Russian and Mongolian Academies of Sciences.
Trends of changes in hydromorphic and automorphic ecosystems associated with differences in topo-ecological conditions, such as decreasing absolute altitudes and increasing aridity from northeast to southwest were determined. Taking into account the nature and intensity of the anthropogenic impact on the ecosystems, a general (integral) expert assessment of their condition was given. The main results of these studies are shown on large-scale maps of the key sites ecosystems, created in the course of mapping with the use of up-to-date aerial images, which were obtained by quadrocopter during field studies.
The main factor in the development and change of meadow ecosystems is the nature of habitat moisture, as well as the volume and degree of mineralization of incoming water. No significant zonal differences were found between soils and vegetation of meadow and swampy-meadow ecosystems of key sites, which are fed mainly by groundwater, temporary lake flooding and small watercourses. The feature of meadow communities in the studied key sites turne out to be a wide distribution of halophilic and halomesophilic plant species in the composition of the grass layer.
Keywords: hydrogenic depression, topo-ecological conditions, hydromorphic ecosystems, large-scale mapping, anthropogenic disturbance, pasture digression.
Funding. This work was carried out within the framework of the theme No. 0109-2019-0007 “Historical Ecology and Biogeocenology”.
DOI: 10.24412/2542-2006-2024-1-5-50