Chuprina E.V. International Certification Experience in the Sustainable Development of Aquatic Culture // Ecosystems: ecology and dynamics. No 2. 2023. P. 73-87. | Abstract | PDF | Reference
- Aquaculture of mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis), Katsiveli, Crimea, 2021 (photo by Е.V. Chuprina)
- Mussels (M. galloprovincialis) in Crimea, 2021 (photo by Е.V. Chuprina)
- Cage Aquaculture (photo by Е.V. Chuprina)
Recent trends in the development of aquatic culture suggest that marine aquaculture is one of the foundations of the fishery in Russia. Here, the scale of fish production and trade is increasing. Like any other human activity that takes place in natural waters, industrial aquaculture has an impact on the surrounding environment, especially coastal waters. Possible certification of aquaculture is an effective tool to minimize any negative effects on the environment, as well as increase the trust of potential consumers. In the future, the existence of spontaneous aquaculture without any environmental certification of production may seriously limit the development of this industry in Russia. In this regard, the analysis of international experience in the field of aquaculture farms certification of Aquaculture Stewardship Council is relevant for Russia as well and can help with updating and developing the existing regulatory framework.
Keywords: aquaculture, aquaculture certification, monitoring.
Funding. This work was carried put as part of the state task No. FMWZ-2022-0002 for the Water Problems Institute of the Russian Academy of Science “ Study of Geoecological Processes in Hydrological Systems of Land, Formation of the Quality of Surface and Ground Waters and Issues of Water Resources Management and Use under the Climate Change and Anthropogenic Impacts”.
DOI: 10.24412/2542-2006-2023-2-73-87