Chernenkova T.V., Suslova E.G., Morozova O.V., Belyaeva N.G., Kotlov I.P. Forest Biodiversity of Moscow Region// Ecosystems: ecology and dynamics. 2020. Vol. 4. No 3. Pp. 61-144. | Abstract | PDF | Reference |
The main results include an inventory of forests in the Moscow region within the area of 23.4 thousand square kilometers with a detailed assessment of the organisation of primary and derivative forest communities of different types. 11 formations and 33 groups of forest vegetation associations were identified according to the ecological-phytocoenotic classification of field sample plots. The forest certification system has been formed. The identified syntaxa are characterized according to a unified scheme, taking into account the diagnostic features, composition and structure of communities, as well as the ecology of habitats. The analysis of the spatial distribution of spruce, pine, broad-leaved and small-leaved forests within the framework of physical-geographical provinces (FGP) is carried out. The obtained results gave a complete picture of the phytocoenotic structure of communities in the Moscow region. The forest communities’ composition of study area reflects the succession stage, zonal features of vegetation, confinement to certain landscape elements and characterizes the direction of regeneration changes in forests of different types.
Key words: Moscow region, forest communities, ecological and phytocoenotic classification, species and coenotic diversity, distribution, physiographic provinces.
DOI: 10.24411/2542-2006-2020-10065